Pastor’s Perspective March 10, 2023

I’m a fan of schedules.  To me, having a sense of where I need to be next and what I need to be doing helps me to allocate my resources well, so that I can be as effective as I think I need to be.  But if you take a moment to re-read that last sentence, take a look at the number of times that I wrote either “me”, “my”, or “I”.  When you use personal pronouns eight times in one sentence, chances are that you think that it’s all about “me”.

I had planned to have this post out yesterday by 8:30 or so, as that has been my plan for Thursday mornings for the last several years, and I’ve never missed one.  But the last person on earth who should have a schedule that is all about themselves is a pastor, and if I was a bit slow to pick up on that, perhaps God felt like I needed to be provided with a slightly different perspective.  So, God put my schedule into a blender yesterday just to see how I would respond.

I guess that the ultimate answer to how I responded is the fact that this is being posted today.  I didn’t drive myself crazy trying to figure out how to get something posted yesterday, and at the same time, I didn’t give up entirely on posting something this week.  I focused on those things that God wanted me to focus on yesterday, and got this taken care of when I could.  Some of you may have been disappointed that this didn’t get posted yesterday, but I did the best with what God gave me.

Schedules are still important to me, and I still plan on having these posts up no later than 8:30 on Thursday mornings going forward, but I’m going to try to be a bit more sensitive to how God is leading me through my day.  It is more important that I be available for someone or something else that is important to God, than it is to keep to my own personal schedule.  Hopefully, God won’t have to put me back in the blender again as a reminder.

Peace and blessings – Pastor Aaron