Pastor’s Perspective June 6, 2024

We are now officially in hurricane season.  For those of us who live along the coast in the southeastern United States, that means time to consider the “what ifs” and plan accordingly, knowing that it is possible that the atmospheric and oceanic conditions could conspire in just the right manner at any time over the next several months to create a significant storm with the ability to devastate large areas with wind, rain, and tidal surges.  Evacuation routes are charted, critical supplies are secured, and vulnerabilities around the house are assessed.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, a hurricane passes within a 50-mile radius of our location every 9-10 years.  In my nearly 20 years of living here, we’ve had one such storm, Hurricane Matthew in 2016.  However, if you were to go back to 1985, Hurricanes Bob and Kate both were at hurricane strength within 50 miles of our island.  So, while the most recent hurricane close to our island was less than the 9-10 year average, over the last forty years we’ve only had three, when the averages suggest that we should have had four.  One metric suggests we aren’t due yet, while the other suggests that we might be overdue. And, by the way, over the last 20 years, there have been nine tropical storms passing within 50 miles of our location, and some of them have brought damaging winds and flooding, so even if the hurricanes leave us alone this year, that doesn’t mean that the tropics have nothing in store for us.

I don’t write these things to make you anxious or afraid, but rather to provide an accurate assessment of coastal living.  The insurance companies have figured this out, which is why they have raised your rates so spectacularly.  It isn’t a question of if a storm will hit us, but rather, when and how hard.  For that reason alone, it is prudent to have a plan.

In all of our lives will be storms of various strength and frequency, including an inescapable event that will ultimately take our life.  As with our experiences here with tropical storms and hurricanes, it is simply a matter of how often, and how severe.  And as with these tropical weather events, the prudent will have a well-thought-out plan for how to weather these storms.  In Matthew 7:25, Jesus talks about those who planned for the storms by ensuring that the foundation of their homes were built on the solid rock of the Word of God, so that the foundation could withstand any storm that the world could throw at it.  God’s plan for handling the storms is to stand firmly with the one who is the foundation of the world.

This weekend, our church will host Dawn Smith Jordan, a talented speaker and singer with a powerful testimony to share about how her firm foundation in Christ enabled her to navigate one of the most heinous storms imaginable.  For the women, there will be an event on Saturday morning from 9:30-11:30 at the ministry building where she will pour into your lives from the strength that God has provided her with.  Then, for all who wish to attend, Dawn will be our featured musical guest during our 10:00 am Sunday worship service.  We hope you will join us, as part of our storm preparation for our lives.

Peace and blessings – Pastor Aaron