I have a confession to make: I like to know the answer. It doesn’t really matter what the question is. If I’m honest with myself, I want to be able to answer the question accurately. Whether the topic is history, geography, science, politics, sports, or theology, I like to know the correct answer. Admittedly, that’s… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective August 3, 2023
Category: Uncategorized
Pastor’s Perspective July 27, 2023
At the church, we’ve been having troubles with our septic system, and we’ve undertaken several steps (some not yet completed) that will hopefully, upon completion, address the situation and keep stuff flowing properly for years to come. One of the issues that we’ve needed to address is having vehicles, including golf carts, driving all over… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective July 27, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective July 20, 2023
There have always been contentious issues either dividing or threatening to divide our nation. However, in our small, ferry-accessed island community, we’ve done a fairly good job of dealing with our differences by focusing on our similarities. After all, we know that normal people don’t live on bridgeless islands, so our desire to be here… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective July 20, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective July 13, 2023
Anyone who has spent any amount of time on Daufuskie outside of the planned developments knows that there are gas powered vehicles here. Some of those vehicles are large – like dump trucks, cement trucks, fire trucks. And when those vehicles are moving about at the speed limit (35 MPH in most places outside of… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective July 13, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective July 6, 2023
When I go to bed at night, I’m grateful for air conditioning, the ceiling fan, and a comfortable bed that helps me to get a good night’s sleep. Yet if I think back to my childhood, I grew up in a home without air conditioning, where we would put a fan in the window to… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective July 6, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective June 29, 2023
Starting in 1879, a group of island residents began diligently planning for the acquisition of a piece of property and the subsequent construction of a building where they could gather regularly to worship. There were fundraisers and work parties, with untold meetings both formal and informal, bringing together passionate people who shared a common purpose. … Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective June 29, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective June 22, 2023
Most of us, as we were growing up, became familiar with the Golden Rule: Do to others as you would have them do to you. When Jesus speaks those words, as recorded in Matthew 7:12, he follows them up by saying that “this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” In other words, if we… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective June 22, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective June 15, 2023
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” There are some statements that are hard to argue with, and this is certainly one of those statements. It is true that you only get one shot at a “first” impression, because that is what makes it the “first”. Further, the way that we… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective June 15, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective June 8, 2023
As a church community, we perform our baptisms down in the river. We wade down the boat ramp to a suitable depth, and then dunk our new brothers or sisters in Christ under the water, raising them up to life in Christ. Because the river at that part of the island is tidal, anything that… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective June 8, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective June 1, 2023
In many ways, it seems as if the word “big” is the leading adjective for America and life in this nation. We have the “big sky” of Montana. Everything’s bigger in Texas. One of our favorite meals is the Big Mac. We want to live in big houses, and drive big trucks. We aspire to… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective June 1, 2023