It is perhaps difficult to overstate the power of emotions. The human body can be strengthened to remarkable levels. The human mind can plumb amazing depths. Yet emotions can overrule the strongest body and the sharpest mind. Both love and hate can reduce us to whimpering puddles, diminishing in seconds what it may have taken… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective October 12, 2023
Category: Uncategorized
Pastor’s Perspective October 5, 2023
Hundreds, if not one thousand miles north of us, wildfires are burning in Ontario, Canada. Honestly, I don’t normally pay attention to events in Canada, if for no other reason than it is so far away from us. But just the other day, when I found myself at the edge of the island looking into… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective October 5, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective September 28, 2023
Work to upgrade some of our main dirt roads is underway. From what we were told in public meetings, by both County representatives and members of the company who have been hired to do the work, School Road, Church Road and Frances Jones Boulevard will have several inches of rock put down as a new… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective September 28, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective September 21, 2023
As I was out on my early morning walk with the dog a few days ago, I noticed several worms and worm tracks in the soft dirt road. The worms would emerge onto the road and proceed in a relatively straight manner for a brief time, but then one by one they would start turning… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective September 21, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective Sept 14, 2023
When Hurricane Idalia came roaring through the Big Bend of Florida with a projected path that came directly over our island community, we watched carefully and made the necessary preparations. Understanding that Florida and Georgia would absorb the worst of the energy, our expectation was that Idalia would weaken to a tropical storm as she… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective Sept 14, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective September 7, 2023
Tropical Storm Idalia paid the Lowcountry a visit last week, rushing past us after having poured out her wrath upon Florida and Georgia. Fortunately, the winds and rains that found us did relatively little damage, and I’m not aware of any homes that were in need of repair as a result of storm. There were,… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective September 7, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective August 31, 2023
I recently received notice that I my Nextdoor account has been temporarily disabled for a violation of the community guideline. Specifically, the notice told me that “Nextdoor is a place to discuss topics that are important to your local community. We have rules on where members may post about religious, non-local and political issues.” Evidently,… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective August 31, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective August 24, 2023
There have been a few social media posts within our community recently that elicited lots of comments. The respective subject matter was intended to create an emotional response, and it is safe to say that these messages succeeded, with the evidence being provided in the strength of many of the responding comments. Even though these… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective August 24, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective August 17, 2023
I’ve been spending the last few days seeing family and wandering around my childhood home – both the house itself and the town. In every nook and around every corner are memories of people and events long past. Some of those memories bring laughter and smiles, some a tinge of sadness, and some of them… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective August 17, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective August 10, 2023
A ride down a dirt road is inherently bumpy (at least, here on our island). Sometimes the ride may be smoother than others, but the very nature of a dirt road means that there will be jostling and jarring as the road surface changes with the condition of the underlying material. During the ride, as… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective August 10, 2023