As the clock struck midnight last Friday night, those who were awake and watching celebrated the beginning of a new year. December 31, 2021 gave way to January 1, 2022, and the experiences of 2021 were pushed aside by the hopes and expectations of 2022. Many have seen, and continue to see that moment when… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective Jan 6, 2022
Category: Uncategorized
Pastor’s Perspective in a small community December 30, 2021
For a substantial portion of the population, New Year’s resolutions are a part of facing January 1st. The idea of setting a resolution is forward-looking, establishing goals or objectives that will hopefully be met by making changes in our habits and behaviors. However, to make a resolution, there has to be a backwards-looking component as… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective in a small community December 30, 2021
Pastor’s Perspective Dec 23 2021
Pastor’s Perspective in a small community December 23, 2021 One of the words that can be used to describe our island home is “peaceful”. Particularly now that the weather has turned cooler and the height of tourist season is behind us, there is a calm and quietness about this place that brings peace to the… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective Dec 23 2021