The Old Testament book 2 Kings, in Chapter 22, tells of the time in Israel’s history when King Josiah is presented with the Book of the Law, which had been found after decades of being lost within the clutter of the mis-used Temple. For centuries, the Book of the Law had prominently featured in the… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective May 25, 2023
Category: Uncategorized
Pastor’s Perspective May 18, 2023
Building a home on our island is a challenging and lengthy process. You have to start with clearing the underbrush from the property so that you can see what trees you will have to keep and which ones you can remove, and also where you can place your well and septic system. Then the design… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective May 18, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective May 11, 2023
Our home community is an island, completely surrounded by water. We have the Atlantic that provides us with three miles of sandy beaches, then the Mungen River, New River, Cooper River, and Calibogue Sound as the other bodies of water that collectively cut us off from other land masses. In years past, island residents have… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective May 11, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective May 4, 2023
A friend of mine from the mainland is convinced that he’s supposed to hold an event here on our island. As he described the sort of event that he was dreaming about, I raised a long list of issues and considerations that would need to be addressed if he was to be successful with this… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective May 4, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective April 27, 2023
If the internet has been good for one thing, it has provided a forum for nearly anyone to post their opinion about something. I’m not saying that this is a good thing, but simply that the internet has facilitated it in a manner that is difficult to comprehend otherwise. What makes it less than a… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective April 27, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective April 20, 2023
Living on a relatively small bridgeless island comes with many trade-offs. Whereas people on the mainland can select from any number of wireless providers for their cell phones, only one national carrier has a cell tower on Daufuskie, so that becomes the provider for almost all who live here full time. Similarly, while some places… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective April 20, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective April 13, 2023
For nearly all of my life, I have depended upon corrective lenses to help me see. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing that I do is reach for my glasses so that I can see clearly. My eyesight is bad enough that any attempt to drive without my glasses would be… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective April 13, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective April 6, 2023
Tomorrow is known throughout the Christian world as Good Friday. Remembered as the day that Jesus was crucified, many think instead that the day should be known as Black Friday. However, as us Americans know, that name is reserved for the day after Thanksgiving, when most of the traditional retail stores and companies in the… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective April 6, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective March 30, 2023
Recent headlines and news stories have been more than enough to put people into foul moods, with minds filled with unpleasant thoughts. The stories of mass murder, hatred, heightened threats of war, weather catastrophes, and other horrors seem almost overpowering, causing genuine wonder as to the future of our nation and our world, so instead… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective March 30, 2023
Pastor’s Perspective March 23, 2023
It is that wonderful time of the year on our island when the new growth begins to appear in our yards, on the trees, and in the forests that surround us. What has been of particular interest to me and my children over the years has been the sheer breadth of the shades of green… Continue reading Pastor’s Perspective March 23, 2023