The Great Commission, as captured in Matthew 28:19-20, calls for the church to get out into the world, being the very hands and feet of Christ to all the nations. For us, that means getting out into our community and also venturing out to other nations. But more importantly, what it means is that we’re willing to be obedient to Christ’s commands, giving of ourselves in His service.

Our Outreach programs seek to serve the needs of our local community through a variety of programs. Our food pantry provides a way for those who are struggling to know that they will not go hungry.
Another outreach program involves a team of volunteers who visit shut-ins and those who are sick or wounded. Our Good Neighbor program involves a team of volunteers as well as financial resources to assist in situations where some of our neighbors may have unexpected home repairs or other financial issues associated with their homes.

Our Missions efforts have been growing along with our local church. Whereas previously our missions efforts may have involved sending financial support to a worthy mission, recently our efforts have included helping individual church members as they felt called to their own mission trips. Now, our church has grown to a point of sending a mission team into the field.
Each summer, members of our church have been involved with short-term mission work in Central and South America, bringing medical relief and the Gospel message to several small villages. Lord willing, missions will continue to be an important part of our ministry.