Pastor’s Perspective September 26, 2024

Sometimes life does not go according to plan. 

Perhaps it would be better if I was more specific. 

Sometimes life does not go according to my plan.

This morning, my plan was to enjoy a cup of coffee while reading my Bible, followed by a time of prayer, and then sitting down to write my weekly Perspective.  Life had a different plan, and instead sent a small tornado into a nearby neighborhood where friends of mine live.  So, the new plan was to go to the firehouse, grab some gear, and go see what could be done to assess damage and clear the roads sufficiently to allow for emergency vehicles to get through if necessary.  Fortunately, there was very little damage to any of the homes and no one was hurt, but it was an exciting start to the day.

My question to you is, “what do you do when things don’t go according to plan?”  Some of you have very detailed plans, so that might mean what happens if you get to a meeting at 9:05 instead of 9:00, but I’m talking about more significant deviations.  Like when you are thrust into a situation where you need to bring in outside resources to handle whatever it is that has just popped up unexpectedly.  Certainly, if it is a real emergency, you can dial 911 and various first responders should show up.  But beyond that, do you have friends who will drop everything and come to check on you, to see if there is anything that they can do to help?

The response to the mess made by the tornado this morning was more than just first responders.  Other members of the community came to help check on their neighbors and see if their homes were damaged, while other neighbors checked on vacant homes to report back to the homeowners.  One came to deliver a dog that had gotten free in the aftermath.  Les Rivers sent his heavy equipment and chainsaw team to move the trees that had blocked the road, and another member of the community came to help that effort.  The people and property that were affected by the tornado were quickly and thoroughly looked after by the first responders as well as their friends on the island who came to lend a helping hand.

So, how do you develop the kinds of relationships with others that will cause them to drop what they are doing to come to your aid when life throws a wrench (or tornado) into your plans?  You be that kind of a friend to them first.  Islanders like Ron, Steve, Matt, Les, Vicky, Blaine and Sherry and any others who came along were that type of friend today, and the only reason Eddie was here today was because he came to help everyone else prepare for the primary arrival of the effects of Hurricane Helene which are yet to come.  Be that kind of friend, and when life goes sideways, others will return the favor however they can. 

May you find peace and blessings in the midst of the coming storm – Pastor Aaron